Sunday, 30 December 2012

2013, The year of heights

Days are moving, the year is ending
The sun rises and soon it shall set
A few more rises and sets, and it will be 2013
2012 is vanishing away like dew
As hours advance, it comes to an end
Blessed is the sunset which will mark the end of 2012
And the first sunrise marking 2013’s beginning
Soon or later it is going to a new year, 2013

As am saying bye to 2012, how have I led my life
Have my feet stepped in the right place?
Have I set my ears to the right voice?
Where has the focus of my eyes been?
What has been my heart’s desire?
How has been the posture of my heart?
Have I lived His vision or mine?
I know I have been loved but have I loved back?

2012 has been finding God in a more clear way
Experiencing His ever present presence
Closing eyes and following His gentle whisper
Developing faith for the unknown future
Letting go of the tangles to be fit for His call
Refusing temporary cure for His true satisfaction
Adjusting to change and flexibility

It has been a year of pure trust
Yet with conflicting doubts
A search for the right path to follow
And looking for stars in the dark of the night’s sky above
A year of getting off the big road and joining a pig trail,
a selfless humble but unclear trail,
So small for many but know will lead me to destiny.
Not that I was that brave to make the turn
But some of those moments when the Holy Spirit blind folds You
taking you to where your satisfaction should be .

a new year is like a new page in story writing,  a fresh chapter,
a new morning with the same sun but different form of sunrise,
the same light but different colors,
a time to evaluate the past and plan for the new days to come.
The only trouble is when we lose focus of our new year’s resolution
due to the high speed moving world.
Sometimes it starts out great with shadows of hope and lines of dreams
it presents itself as a ditch of hell and a pit of despair for many.
The year comes early to some and late for others yet distributes
equally to all no matter the time of it’s arrival.

2012 has been like a stone in front of me,
a stone along my steps which I could have stumbled on and fallen
or a stepping stone,
a stone on which  I placed my foot and gained strength for the next step.
Since it has been 12 months of living in faith,
2013 is a year of climbing another ladder towards turning a leaf,
2013 is the year to see God fight the battles of my dreams,
to watch victory on my side of the line,
and to be the one in transit.
To see my character keep me in places where my talents,
gifting and abilities more me.
A year to see the why behind my doubts and questions
and to discover why I have what i possess.
This might not be seen by many but will be experienced in my inner being.

Even during the worst of times when I feel the years go slipping by,
Life seems rife with possibilities when the New Year arrives.
behold by hope at the new year’s coming
I feel renewed and want to start living.
This year I'll travel and see the sights
I'll reach out and go beyond
I'll be a new fish in a brand new pond.
Even though time does fly i won't let this year be wasted
I'll look forward to new adventures that awaits me
And be open to opportunities i am graced with.
I won't dwell on years gone by
I'll start each new morning a brand new way
A new day with no mistakes of guilt

2013, a year of promised heights

BY: kiggundu wilson

Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas

we have without patience waited for Christmas
our hearts burning for the day
and our tummy hungry for the meal
waiting for the dark of the night,
our eyes up in the skies for the shining star
we can hardly wait till Christmas

music at every street corner
green trees with lights of un imaginable beauty,
did we decorate enough for the savior?
Did we buy the right and enough?
can the celebration pay the cost?
Are we doing it the right way?

The ultimate Lamb of God, born to us
A king who is that humble not to be pride
In a smelly manger he came forth from His holy throne
For the sinners and proud the savoir came
None among the living knew the vision he would lead
Joseph too could not determine his destiny

Although known to many, few believed
For it took faith in believing that a manger boy is the savoir
He needed no approval to be one, for he already was
It is upon the native to embrace his offer
Upon the hearts to soften
Upon the proud to be humble
And yet even in that struggle, He helps us
For he knows we are just weak clay

 Jesus is indeed born, but where exactly
Are we going to let him be born in the garage?
At the back yard or at the front porch?
Mary and joseph had nine months to prepare,
We have had the whole year,
Are our hearts sprinkled for the cleansing?
Are they harm enough for His birth?
Are the doors of our hearts open wide enough for his entrance?
As we celebrate his birth, let us invite Him to be born in our hearts,

In today’s fast moving world, it is very easy
to lose focus of the true meaning of Christmas
upon the green trees, sparkling lights and
the ribbons around the big boxes of gifts,
we forget about the child born on that dark powerless night.
In our big woolen beds, we forget the child born in hay.
The lights allover blinds us from the shining star pointing to his birth
We hence lose direction.

It’s time to remember his birth,
The sacrifice he paid to leave his comfort
Not for the righteous but sinners like me
The pride and arrogant, the heavy and burdened
The sad and grieving, the wounded and broken
For the proud he humbled,
For me he became fresh, for you he took on blood

Why not grab the free, why not take the easy,
Why not come and feed on his love
Why not hurry and drink the everlasting water
Throw aside the heavy; untie knots that delay,
Jump obstacles that block, abandon the burdens.
Jump fences of resistance,
Cross boundaries of despair, come see Him

Walk on the bridge of love without hate, pure and holy.
Follow the star up in the sky…
Come see the baby, come rest says He,
Come have hope, come have life
Come get happiness, come be satisfied
Hurry and be filled, run be and be strengthened.
Sit and be mended,
Close your eyes, let the past be forgotten
let pain slip away 
Let my unwavering peace wash away your doubt
Watch and see me fulfill all that I promised,

Merry Christmas, don’t forget it is about me.
Says Jesus, May I be born in your heart? He asks.
Merry Christmas
                                    kiggundu wilson

Sunday, 16 December 2012


one of those diseases that you get and wish you hadn't, not that it is so painful but the knowledge that you are sick, not that the doctor said so but you know you are, it is the one, "o' my God" sometimes miracles are far out of ones reach, not that you don't believe they are true but because you are too humble you are proud of being too healthy.

too painful that you have to walk in slow motion, indeed, one body with many different parts which all work to serve the soul they carry, wish one part of the body would live and be independent from the other, if it was the case then i would carry around legs and head, but nope, that's not the way it works. so painful that it actually hurts, (as if it had to be painless).
yet it's those seasons in life when peace is so close that pain does not interfere with ones soul, the best state to ever be in.

how can it be peaceful when you are fully aware you are sick but hide the evidence? i don't know really, may be its not me, there must be an external power involved that is greater than the one i posses. or am pretending, (lying this way might make one more happy)

i have met crazy people but not as crazy as wishing they were taken away in the mid night hour still and peaceful rather than some one having to tear their inside in search for a foreign creature. prefer  angles coming in the night than in the day with hopeless souls wondering the destiny of their soul-mate. but even in the night, terms and conditions apply. it should be one of those nights with a bright pale blue moon light, silent in all ways, not like yesterday night when the music so loud that the owls couldn't fly.
i may also not want the owls to cry, those i leave behind might attach the departure to the owl's prediction. am i ready to go? am ready once am reminded that i have loved am been loved.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

ONE HOPE, one victory

Today’s rebellion will not only affect us but those innocent ones inside us,
we suffered the mess of those who came before us,
we have carried burdens heavier than our weight, and endured trials without help.
silent we have been of the past, silent we shall not be of the future.
We have inhaled injustice from selfish ones, we stubbed and fell.
we have had to pave our own roads, write our own stories,
echo our own hymns and dance to our own composed music.
through it all we return to the beach wet but alive,
we have escaped the hot fires but not burnt,
we have fallen but not broken,
all affected our physical but left our heart virgin to love,
dreams, visions and holiness.

we now stand here with scars at every inch,
with memories never to forget,  
crossing the bridge from despair to hope,
jumping from hate to love, and from grief to joy
now we can climb ladders to view what lies ahead of us.
from different cultures and background we…
have gathered in this elevator of destiny, holding the map of hope
what else could bring us this close if not a common dream.
with different faces and colors we still resemble the other,
we carry the hope for tomorrow, we hold the flag of victory.
we deny not the chance of making a difference,
this is ours to embrace and together we protect.

why evil prevails is because good men do nothing , come on,
we are part of the good men. we cannot sit down seeing our nation decay. 
our life experience was preparing us for now, that's why we endured,
that's why we survived, and that's why we still stand
And it’s for this we possess character.

life started and someday will end,
but not everyone's will end, how will those after us survive?
how will they live? our little ones, our seedlings, our infants.
am afraid the waves will blow them off the shore,
the tides will terrify them, the floods will drown them.
Will they be able to learn the lessons we have learnt?
Will they have the boldness?
Will they swim against the current or will they give in into deceit.
These are questions for us to answer before will graduate to a better life.
How are the little ones going to learn the lessons we have learnt the hard way?
Who is going to teach it to them?
Are we going to let luck and chance determine their destiny?
or are we going to rise up and teach them the purpose and vision of life.
Are we waiting until they reach the black gates of violence?
or we want these to be the last words they hear.

Are we going to let them hate before we teach them how to love,
fall before we teach them how to stand,
disobey before we emphasize obedience, or
damage before they learn how to protect,
should they learn through their mistakes or
are those who came before them going to offer their life mistakes as teaching aids.
The kind of task am talking about is above our skills, gifting’s, profession,
indeed above our daily hobby and talents,
it can be stressful and fruitless yet this same task is placed between the margin of our calling.
The work is surely hard but the hearts of our children are worth fighting for because the fruits of their character are worth the daily struggle.

Now is the time to start digging the foundation of tomorrow,
now is the time to dig deep holes for our seedlings,  
now is the time to trim those we love and greatly treasure,
we desire them not to learn these lessons the hard way as we did,
its painful, its promiseless, its hopeless, just that we survived.
Now is the time to act and tomorrow is the time to sit and enjoy the fruits of our great work.  
I know we shall one day reunite under the same umbrella of victory
standing on a common plat form of joy, we shall one day sing the same hymn,
join in the same stanza of greatness, we shall on that day rejoice holiness,
celebrate salvation under one bound of love.
This is the one hope, the one victory.