Sunday, 30 December 2012

2013, The year of heights

Days are moving, the year is ending
The sun rises and soon it shall set
A few more rises and sets, and it will be 2013
2012 is vanishing away like dew
As hours advance, it comes to an end
Blessed is the sunset which will mark the end of 2012
And the first sunrise marking 2013’s beginning
Soon or later it is going to a new year, 2013

As am saying bye to 2012, how have I led my life
Have my feet stepped in the right place?
Have I set my ears to the right voice?
Where has the focus of my eyes been?
What has been my heart’s desire?
How has been the posture of my heart?
Have I lived His vision or mine?
I know I have been loved but have I loved back?

2012 has been finding God in a more clear way
Experiencing His ever present presence
Closing eyes and following His gentle whisper
Developing faith for the unknown future
Letting go of the tangles to be fit for His call
Refusing temporary cure for His true satisfaction
Adjusting to change and flexibility

It has been a year of pure trust
Yet with conflicting doubts
A search for the right path to follow
And looking for stars in the dark of the night’s sky above
A year of getting off the big road and joining a pig trail,
a selfless humble but unclear trail,
So small for many but know will lead me to destiny.
Not that I was that brave to make the turn
But some of those moments when the Holy Spirit blind folds You
taking you to where your satisfaction should be .

a new year is like a new page in story writing,  a fresh chapter,
a new morning with the same sun but different form of sunrise,
the same light but different colors,
a time to evaluate the past and plan for the new days to come.
The only trouble is when we lose focus of our new year’s resolution
due to the high speed moving world.
Sometimes it starts out great with shadows of hope and lines of dreams
it presents itself as a ditch of hell and a pit of despair for many.
The year comes early to some and late for others yet distributes
equally to all no matter the time of it’s arrival.

2012 has been like a stone in front of me,
a stone along my steps which I could have stumbled on and fallen
or a stepping stone,
a stone on which  I placed my foot and gained strength for the next step.
Since it has been 12 months of living in faith,
2013 is a year of climbing another ladder towards turning a leaf,
2013 is the year to see God fight the battles of my dreams,
to watch victory on my side of the line,
and to be the one in transit.
To see my character keep me in places where my talents,
gifting and abilities more me.
A year to see the why behind my doubts and questions
and to discover why I have what i possess.
This might not be seen by many but will be experienced in my inner being.

Even during the worst of times when I feel the years go slipping by,
Life seems rife with possibilities when the New Year arrives.
behold by hope at the new year’s coming
I feel renewed and want to start living.
This year I'll travel and see the sights
I'll reach out and go beyond
I'll be a new fish in a brand new pond.
Even though time does fly i won't let this year be wasted
I'll look forward to new adventures that awaits me
And be open to opportunities i am graced with.
I won't dwell on years gone by
I'll start each new morning a brand new way
A new day with no mistakes of guilt

2013, a year of promised heights

BY: kiggundu wilson

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