It seemed like long ago when we were dreaming of Christmas, but as the clock kept moving, the closer the hours changed and now feeling the tickles that Christmas gives. it was a fabulous one last year with friends, who knew that I would have Christmas very far away from home, maybe the lord is taking me further from those I call family to give me another home and new people I call family. The process though goes with side effects which my heart has not yet come in agreement with. I still miss home, I still miss family.
Christmas for me has always been about celebration, it has been about thanks giving and Christmas has been about family. There are many people in the world who can’t afford any type of feast celebration and many who represent themselves as the entire family. Do these horror occasions deprive Christmas of its meaning? I don’t think so, for it is not what is happening now that defines Christmas but what happened 2013 years ago. In every situation, painful or painless, in hunger or feasting, in dancing or morning, in loss or gain, there is still room for one paramount humbling event, “thanksgiving”. That for me is this Christmas; I want gratitude to be reflected in all areas of my being. it is difficult not to wish Christmas was this and that, it is easy to be filled with regrets about yesterday missing out on life lessons that today brings us. Because I can’t afford to celebrate as I wished to and won’t see family which would have done me pleasure, all left for me is a silent and calm night of gratitude reflection.
It is going to be a Christmas that either marks the end or the beginning of events in my life hence it is better to say it’s going to be a miracle Christmas. I now have a good conscience of where am supposed to be going and a clear blue print of my destination yet my feet seem to be stuck in deep mad. It is in that deep mad that I see others by pass me on dry ground, not that I have lost sight of the way, no, in fact I can see clearer than ever before but there is just this one thing. It’s for this reason I want to use the most of this Christmas in a grateful manner because it may end with a new me or a duplicated me. With a smile I want to look back and say it was a merry Christmas.
I want this Christmas to be a Christmas of repair, a moment of healing and redemption and drawing near to his saving grace, my fantasy this Christmas is understanding what the lord thinks of me. I want to embrace it in a way that I have never before, know I am his son, he loves me, am redeemed and forgiven, am the apple of his eye and that my name is written on his palm. I know this truth, but for sure, I can’t say I understand it. I want to collect all the broken fragments of the past and through them in his manger, because I want my brokenness to be dealt with first. And at last, I want to know the meaning behind the past events to my story.
Merry Christmas to you, who love me and follow my writing,
Merry Christmas to you, who remember me in your prayers,
Merry Christmas to you whose life story am part of,
Merry Christmas to you, who are part of my life,
Merry Christmas to you, whose life mission is reflecting Christ to others,
And to those of you who think of me often and can’t wait to see me, merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas to you whom I have loved along the way.
And to those whose principles and code I still uphold and have made me a better Kiggundu. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you all
In Christ Alone (ICA)
Kiggundu Wilson