Saturday, 10 November 2012


From when i was in kindergarten i always remembered the even numbers and forgot the odd ones, now that am grown,the same principle applies just in different ways. as i have been thinking of it all. fear that am turning 23, not that i fear getting older but the fact that there is an odd number at the end of the first digit. it actually seems like i have been 22 for the last 22 years. i just pray that this year runs very first so that i become 24. well, happy for the last year, it has been great with challenges of its own. 

This is the first time in the last years i have actually taken time to think of 11 of November as the day i was born. I know this is confusing for those who have celebrated there birthdays from the time they were one. other people have helped me remember that it is the day i was born by celebrating it a couple of days earlier of later. last year i was very prepared to acknowledge the day a month earlier but the day missed me/ missed the day. i remembered a day later. these were my actual words that i wrote in my journal. "it was my birthday yesterday", last year this time, i was at Musana camps in mukono, ( a branch of new hope Uganda that is being established to handle manhood programs) i was alone in the house because everyone else was gone.  i spend the day in a work shop all day long from morning till evening. 

It is perfect that this time it is a Sunday  it has given me time to think of life for the last 12 months. i went to church earlier so that i get some alone time, After the service, i went to meet one of my great friends who blessed me.

A year ago i had made plans of being in school the year to come, i didn't know what God had in store for me concerning the future. I spent the whole of Christmas holiday contemplating and seeking God to show me what he wanted me to do with he life he gave me. I must say i heard no voice from Him concerning the matter, it was left for me to take a step of faith into the unknown.

After sharing the matter with people i trusted so dearly in my life, it was decided at last that i was to join the NEW HOPE INSTITUTE CHILDCARE AND FAMILY. That lasted for two weeks, on the 25th of may, i graduated from there and there came another phase in my life. it is during that course that i Matt and Jamie who picked interest in me and me in return. It was then that i realized what God wanted me to do. i moved to Gulu on the 31 of May. I knew not what to expect while on that slow bus to the unknown land.

Spending fie months here, i now have clips of what to expect. The lord has granted me favor starting from Him, Matt and Jamie and the people i come across my way. this is not something to go unnoticed. its a big thing in my life.

Teach me how to number my days oh Lord, that i may gain a heart of wisdom.

 psalm 90:12
For the years to come, i really need this verse right in my heart. especially for the world out there.
I have also just found out what my really calling and gift is, it is although something that needs patience and full devotion to the Lord, am already excited and happy for what the future has for me. there is a whole world out there waiting for me to harvest with joy and jubilation. For this i need God because i need to do it for Him, and without him i might as well not do it.

1 comment:

  1. Such wisdom. praise God for His hand on your life
