And with neighbors allAt our country's callIn peace and friendship we'll live.3.Oh Uganda! the land that feeds usBy sun and fertile soil grown.For our own dear land,We'll always stand:The Pearl of Africa's Crown.
Uganda is stepping on to a new steep in her life and the children it mothers. i have spent some time thinking of Uganda in my own perspective not basing on what i see people talk about Uganda in the media or hear them talk about it on radio or on the streets as i pass by. i have realized that at the first hearing of word Uganda. its a shame that many of the native people think of all the negative side of the nation. many think of Uganda basing on its great shape and boundaries, all they associate Uganda with is the rampant corruption we hear every now and then, this has become the news that people want to hear, those who the lord has privileged to have vehicles associate Uganda to the bad roads, pot wholes and ditches in the middle of high ways, the poor associate it to poverty, those with sick beloved ones think of Uganda as a nation with poor medical facilities, pupils are also complaining about the poor education facilities they are getting, business men don't stop grumbling about the poor market. every one in this nation is complaining about the short comings of the nation Uganda. we Ugandans don't realize that we are the nation, we are looking at other people for the rebuilding of the wall of Uganda, and even when they do, we are the same ones that are responsible for their destruction. we are celebrating the 50 years of Independence. 50 years when the nation Uganda was placed into our own hands, 50 years when we were given the permission to make our own decisions, 50 years when we got our independence.
i wounder what it might have felt raising the national flag, it meant independence. yes, independence, but independent from who and what? this is a question we should ask ourselves, in 1962 we were independent from the British hand because we kind of proved to be grown enough to manage our own politics and economies, now am happy that fellow Ugandans can sit and decided for the nation. it's unfortunate that as we were getting freedom from the British we were preparing for slavery among fellows. the British was more than willing to give us our independence yet we our selves we not willing to give ourselves the same independence the foreigners were offering us. as the British government packed to go back to Britain, soldiers were getting ready to fight and common people packing their belongings heading into the bush. we were fighting over the power, fighting the independence granted to us. it's a shame. we are independent but were we really independent from each other? or are we are still having granges over each other? is north, south, east and west and central, independent? until there is genuine reconciliation in the hearts of the natives, we are not independent. we are rejoicing independence from the British but not from each other
Despite the problems and struggles we have faced as a nation, we have a reason to stop and give thanks. despite of the corruption, bad roads, poor education, poor medical facilities, hatred among tribes, poor leadership and thankfulness we can say, the far the lord has brought Uganda. what good things does Uganda has that makes it a perfect home?
- The beautiful raising and setting view of the sun.
- the perfect greenness that covers every where.
- the bright moon and stars at night.
- the clear blue sky above my head.
- the different tribes from even region.
- the different languages all over the country.
- the fertile soils that feed me.
- the rains that water the land throughout the year.
- the many different fresh fruits.
- the river that starts here and powers in the ocean.
- the different cultures that have one thing in common, HOSPITALITY.
- the two seasons that sustain us.
- the peace between us and our neighbours.
- the free education provided by the government.
- the sense of peace we are enjoying right now.
- the gospel and the freedom to share it.
- the freedom of speech.
- the peaceful elections.
- the respect
- the wild animals that occupy the forests.
- the relationship part of every culture.
- the natives love for God and their daily dependence of Him.
if i made a list comparing Uganda to other nations, then either Uganda would be on top or it would be on the bottom, making it either inferior or Superior. comparison raises on object up while its putting another down. i may not want any of these to be Uganda because it affects the way i view her. you will find that i have also concentrated on what Uganda has, not what i wish it had.
many Ugandans will not agree with me. but i thank God for the poverty he has allowed us to face for the last years, this poverty has built our trust in him and him only. many people have no other option rather than trusting God for there everything. this includes, food they eat for launch and supper. all they have to do is be in a relationship with that one who will provider to them. that's why i understand Him as God the provider. if we had all we needed in life we would have weak interest in trusting him but now we trust him with our everything, which everything is nothing. it's although not my prayer that we remain this poor for the next 50 years, we have tasted poverty and swallowed its pain for along good time. it's now time to taste the opposite of life.
even in that wealthy you are leading us to we shall not forget you.
we shall still remember,
the days we went without food for the mouth.
the nights we slept with no shelter above us,
the seasons the soils did not yield as we expected,
the years we were fatherless,
the moments we were hated,
the days we were bare footed,
the nights we had no blanket,
the days we were cloth-less,
days when we walked instead of driving,
days when looked at planes as dreams and mysteries and not reality,
the days we were enemies with our neighbours,
and the days we were enemies with the lord.
Lord, as you are lifting us up, we won't forget where we where before you picked us up. we shall enjoy the heights of your glory with remembrance of the past.
When we reach the clouds, keep us humble. i pray............
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